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Track, Analyze & Optimize Performance

Get real-time reports on patient interactions, call performance, and engagement metrics—empowering data-driven decisions for better operational efficiency.

Clinic dashboard showing key metrics and AI usage insights

 AI Analytics for Smarter Practice

Comprehensive call metrics at your fingertips

Manage leads and patients

AI-Driven Insights

Automated weekly reports

Measure ROI & AI’s performance

Real-Time alerts

View patient satisfaction metrics

AI Call Tracking

Access a detailed log of AI-handled patient calls, including duration, type, and key takeaways.

Track and review AI-handled calls with summaries and analytics
AI-generated call summaries for quick review of patient interactions

Call Summaries

Instantly review past patient interactions with concise AI-generated call summaries for better engagement.

AI Follow-Ups

Configure and track AI-driven follow-ups for pre-op, post-op, and general inquiries with real-time insights.

Custom AI follow-ups for pre-op, post-op, and patient inquiries with real-time tracking
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HIPAA Compliant Conversational AI to reduce admin cost and improve patient outcomes
GDPR Compliant Conversational AI to reduce admin cost and improve patient outcomes

Built with security in mind. HIPAA and GDPR compliant

Your trusted partner for practice growth

From individual practices to large clinics, we're with you every step of the way, from implementation to ongoing support.

Helping plastic surgery practices grow with AI-driven efficiency and expert support
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