Some businesses struggle to define their objectives. They have a variety of objectives, and deviating too much from them can cause issues.
For instance, before determining how much memory a system needs or how much throughput a network endpoint requires, you must first define the goals for the system in a software development project. Designing and putting into practice a solution will require more time and effort the harder the goal is to attain (such as "changing consumer behavior").
To avoid complex problems like these in the business, we work with design sprints.

What is a design sprint?
The design sprint is an intense 5-day process to validate ideas and answer critical business questions, prototyping, test ideas, and create deep value for end-users. One of the most important steps in a design sprint is defining goals.
What is a Design Sprint Goal?
A design sprint goal is a measurable objective that indicates your sprint's success. It ought to be:
inspiring, forward-thinking, and optimistic.
achievable and measurable.
beneficial to your users or customers.
endorsed by everyone.
Simple and easy to recall.